The Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies
Building a Path to Tomorrow
The Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies (CFNA) is the parent company of the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) and the McKean County Community Foundation (MCCF).
Our common mission is to enhance the quality of life in the local area as we strengthen our region through development, stewardship, and grant making. We carry out this very broad mission by helping donors reach their philanthropic goals as they establish permanent endowment funds. A portion of the annual income from these funds is used to support a variety of local nonprofit organizations through grants and special projects.
With a shared vision to inspire philanthropy and strengthen our unique communities, our affiliate Foundations are making an impact in the Northern Alleghenies.
$24.9 Million
Total Assets
Charitable Funds
$7.5 million
Community Grants Awarded
$3 million
Scholarships Awarded
We gather dollars from donors and build permanent community savings funds.
We grow these funds by sound investment policies that protect the principal.
From these funds, we give grants to area non-profits to support community needs.
A Brief History
Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies
During the 1990’s a group of business and civic leaders worked together to explore the establishment of a Community Foundation in the Elk County Area. After thorough research, the Elk County Community Foundation (ECCF) was incorporated in 2000 and a year later was classified as a non-profit organization. The IRS conferred a tax-exempt status to the Community Foundation in the form of a 501 (c)(3).
In 2010, the Community Foundation of North Central PA (CFNC) was established to enable discussion in neighboring counties and communities that have not been served by a community foundation within their area. The CFNC was a parent organization to ECCF and other potential communities that would want to serve the philanthropic needs in their county, borough, or even township.
In 2015 we began discussions with community leaders from McKean County about how a community foundation could benefit their region. In February of 2017 the McKean County Community Foundation was established and became an affiliate of the Community Foundation of North Central PA.
In October 2017 the parent name was changed to Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies to include the affiliates of Elk County Community Foundation and McKean County Community Foundation.
Board & Staff
Dr. James Evans, President
Bob Ordiway, Vice President
Tiffany Boschert, Secretary
Beth Pifer, Treasurer
Gennaro Aiello
Bob Esch
Rick Esch
Tom Jesberger
Tom Wagner
Jake Meyer, Emeritus Status
Bill Conrad, Emeritus Status
Tiffany Boschert, Executive Director,
Beth Pifer, Finance Director
Kris Kronenwetter, Scholarship Manager
Ann Bauer, Marketing/Office Assistant
Molly Cerroni, Executive Assistant
Kelli Hall, Executive Assistant